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September 25, 2021

Msgr. James Shea and Forming Young Catholics at University of Mary

He likes to say he's only President because of a clerical error.

Show Notes

EP002: Msgr. James Shea

How should Catholics see the world? In this episode, Msgr. Shea discusses his work as the President of University of Mary and how his work of forming students connects to our call as Catholics to see the world differently.

Msgr. James Shea is the President of the University of Mary. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Bismarck, ND in 2002. Learn more about Msgr. Shea here.

If you haven’t seen Msgr. Shea’s EDIFY video, please watch it at edify.us

Hear more from Msgr. James Shea.

Are you more of a book person? Read From Christendom to Apostolic Mission.


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